PENN Advanced Registration

Penn’s Advanced Registration runs from Monday, March 20 to Friday, March 31st at 5pm. To see the Fall 2016 course offerings at Penn, log into PennInTouch where your transcript is located. Under Registration and Planning, the Course Search option allows you to search for courses via subject code, instructor, day & time, etc. If you would like to request registration in a Penn course, please email with the full course ID (ex. ARTH-500-001) and our office will place the request for you. Only university courses numbered 500 and above (ex. ARTH-500-001) and language courses with the words “professional, business level, advanced,” and higher will be counted towards an MBA degree. Please note that if you choose the “Add to Cart” option in PennInTouch, the request will not be processed.

Requests placed during Advanced Registration do not guarantee you a spot in the class though they may increase the likelihood of enrollment. The results of Advanced Registration will be released at 10:00am on Wednesday, April 12th. You can check the status of your registration then by logging into Penn InTouch; if successful, the course will appear on your transcript. From then on, the Penn classes are open on a first-come, first-serve basis so requests can be directed to at any time. Up to 4 credits of non-Wharton graduate level classes can be counted towards your 19 cu required for graduation.