Each of the students listed below earned a Fall 2024 Wharton GPA equal to or in excess of 3.88 and meets the minimum course unit requirement.
Genna Abele |
Apoorva Agarwal |
Brian Ayers |
Anjali Bajaj |
Satvik Bansal |
Jacob Barnard |
Jake Becker |
Steve Berkowitz |
Chase Binkley |
Brandon Blau |
Ari Brathwaite |
Lexy Brown |
Alexander Byrd |
Aurian Capart |
Andrew Carton |
Fong Chai |
Layal Chalfoun |
Jerry Chiang |
Anna Chulack |
Carter Cortazzi |
Nolan Crawford |
Kim Darch |
Alexandra Ding |
Rachel Draper |
Chris Esposito |
Mohamad Flaifel |
Sean Gilbert |
Danny Goodman |
Sam Greenberg |
Vin Guaglardi |
Gaurish Gwalani |
Harry Han |
Rayleen Hu |
Michelle Hu |
Irena Huang |
Pedro Kenzo Jukemura |
Anushka Kannan |
Mark Kim |
Harrison King |
Pranav Kodali |
Harry Kong |
Randall Kras |
Thitipong (Tap) Lawphongpanich |
Alex Liu |
Hayden Manseau |
Nick Massoud |
Katie Merola |
Rahul Nair |
Carolina Nakamura Chapuis |
Ben Newman |
Joseph Ng |
Sally Nijim |
Elise Odell |
Eda Ozuner |
Brooke Perisho |
John Phipps |
Max Portwood |
Rachel Prokupek |
Jasper Prouvost |
Vijay Ramanujan |
Vineeth Ravi |
Divya Ravinder |
Duncan Robertson |
Isa Romeu |
Will Russ |
Nitin Sethi |
Michal Shapira |
Jialing Shi |
Pragya Singh |
Jake Stein |
Willa Sun |
Billy Teitelbaum |
Brooks Thomas |
Lizzie Thoren |
Lexi Thorson |
Caneel VanNostrand |
Aaron Varner |
Varun Varshney |
Rehaan Vij |
Shirley Wang |
Abby Wax |
Lucy Xiao |
Norman Xiong |
Eddie Yuan |
Laura Zhang |
Rowena Zhang |