Meet The Teams

MBA Academic Affairs
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What We Do: We partner with students, faculty, and staff to deliver an exceptional educational experience for our students in every aspect of academic affairs from admissions to graduation.

Campus Location: Suite 300, Jon M. Huntsman Hall, View Map


Headshot of a smiling person in a suit and red tie, standing indoors with a modern office background.

Anthony Landry
Deputy Vice Dean of Academic Affairs

MBA Student Life
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What We Do: We’re a student-centric team dedicated to creating as cohesive and connected a Wharton community as possible. We engage with and advise students in their day-to-day Wharton experience, helping students maximize their two years at Wharton.

Campus Location: Suite 330, Jon M. Huntsman Hall, View Map


Headshot of a person wearing a bright blue suit, pink shirt, and yellow tie, smiling in front of a brick wall.

Eddie Banks-Crosson
Director of Student Life

McNulty Leadership Program
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What We Do: The Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program seeks to develop global leaders who exemplify leadership at its best. Our programs provide many different roles and contexts in which students can learn. Whether it is through our Pre-Term programs, community-wide programs like the Authors@Wharton Speaker Series and the Coaching and Feedback Program, open enrollment programs like Ventures and P3, or our many fellowship and student groups, there is a program for each and every student here at Wharton.

Campus Location: 4th Floor, Jon M. Huntsman Hall, View Map


Headshot of a person with curly hair, wearing a red shirt and black jacket, smiling in front of a bright red background.

Gwendolyn Mcday
Director of Leadership and Learning

MBA Career Management
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What We Do: MBA Career Management enables Wharton students to achieve their career goals by helping students explore and refine career aspirations, teaching career management skills, supporting all stages of the career/professional search process, and marketing Wharton talent to employers & building the Wharton brand.

Campus Location: Suite 50, McNeill Building, View Map


Headshot of a person with glasses and a beard, smiling outdoors. Greenery is visible in the blurred background.

Sam Jones

Director of MBA Career Management

Wharton Communication Program
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What We Do:  The Wharton Communication Program helps prepare business leaders for the communication challenges they will face as business and community leaders.

Wharton’s Communication courses — the only seminar-style courses in the required MBA curriculum — help students become more skilled presenters and writers with a skills-based approach that includes a foundation in communication theory reinforced by multiple practice opportunities, video recording of presentations, and rigorous feedback.

Campus Location: Suite 1350, Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall, View Map


A headshot of a person wearing a gray blazer and a purple top, smiling. They have long dark hair with gray strands, and are in a brick-walled environment.

Antionnette Mcdermott

Director of Graduate Communication Program

MBA Admissions & Financial Aid
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What We Do: You have already met members of our admissions team in your journey to arrive here at Wharton. Our financial aid team members serve current students through individual advising sessions – creating programs and resources designed to improve the overall student financial experience. We provide counseling on the financial aid process, loan options, funding sources, and other general financial aid questions.

Campus Location: Suite 111, Vance Hall, View Map


Headshot of a smiling person with blonde hair, wearing a dark blazer, outdoors with blurred greenery in the background.

Blair Mannix
Director of MBA Admissions

A headshot of a person smiling, wearing a dark top and a pearl necklace. The background is softly blurred.

Maxine Adekoya
Director of Student Finances