
For general Wharton graduation ceremony FAQs, go to https://graduation.wharton.upenn.edu/faqs/

When submitting the Graduation Application, I am getting the error message “No curricula available.” Has something gone wrong?

It is possible you are getting this message because you have already submitted the Graduation Application. To confirm this in Path@Penn, go to “View Student Profile” and under the Graduation Information section, select the “Active” link next to Graduation Applications.

If no applications are available to view, it is possible that you do not have enough credits (finishing Incomplete grade, NR (not recorded) grade, or applying too soon) or that your GPA is lower than the application threshold. Please contact the MBA Academic Affairs Office (mbaprogram@wharton.upenn.edu) for more information.

Do I need tickets for graduation?

No, tickets are not needed to attend graduation. 

Is graduation indoors?

Yes, it is inside The Palestra.

What time do I need to arrive for graduation?

Arrive at the Tse Ping-Cheng Cheung Ling Sports Center (219 S. 33rd Street; formerly known as the Hutchinson Gymnasium ) at 11:30AM. Follow the signs to report to your Cohort marshals to get your graduation (marching order) card.

What time should my guest arrive?

Doors open at 12:00 PM.

How many people can I invite to attend graduation?

There is no limit to the number of guests that can attend!

I have a family member who uses a wheelchair attending graduation. Where will they sit?

First, be sure to contact the MBA Office of Student Life at mbastudentlife@wharton.upenn.edu about the needs of your guest.

You will receive a limited mobility ticket closer to graduation date. This ticket allows a family member and 1 guest in the limited mobility section

Can my children walk across the stage with me?

No.  Unfortunately, we cannot allow children to walk with their parent across the stage during graduation.


For more information about Diplomas, go to: https://secretary.upenn.edu/ceremonies/diplomas

I need to update the name on my diploma. What do I do?

Updates must be made before June 7th for May graduation diplomas. To update the name listed on your diploma, you must submit a form to Student Registration & Financial Services with either an image or PDF of your driver’s license OR passport.

I need to update the mailing address for my diploma. What do I do?

Updates must be made before June 7th for May graduation diplomas. To update your diploma mailing address, in Path@Penn go to “Update My Personal Information” under Address select “Add New” and specify Diploma Mailing as the Type of Address.

I need help! Who do I contact?

For questions about your diploma, please contact diplomas@pobox.upenn.edu.

Please do not contact the Diplomas Team about your degree status, holds, or issues with Path@Penn.  Direct those questions to the Office of the University Registrar at registrar@wharton.upenn.edu.