Core Requirement Evaluation Process

The Wharton Core Curriculum is designed to provide fundamental knowledge and skills in the areas of management, analytics, and leadership. It provides the educational foundation that serves as pre-requisite requirements for upper-level electives offered by Wharton’s 10 academic departments.

To ensure that your academic experience is personalized to align with your competencies and strengths, the Core Requirement Evaluation Process provides you with the opportunity to determine your level of proficiency in seven core areas, based upon your previous education and/or professional certification.

This is your opportunity to customize your core experience. We encourage you to leverage this guide to fully understand your options and decide what is best for you.  

Keep in Mind

Your decisions to customize your core curriculum should be based upon your familiarity with the subject. If you have studied or have professional certification in a particular area, we encourage you to submit your credentials and/or take an exam.

Participating in this process offers optionality.  The decision to enroll in a core course that you have waived or substituted is ultimately up to you; if you would like a review of a subject, or to learn about Wharton’s approach to it in preparation for advanced electives, you can choose to enroll in the core course.

Taking the full core is a common experience for many students. Students who are new to business education often take the entire core curriculum and students who have some educational background may only waive or substitute one core course. You will still have plenty of space to fulfill a major and take elective courses.